Goods And Services Tax (GST) Registration In Noida

About us

We are GST (Goods and Services Tax)/SGST/CGST consultancy in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. We help in providing registration in a very timely and cost effective manner to our clients. GST (Goods and Services Tax)  Registration also known as GSTN registration. Following are the some FAQs which will help in knowing the concept and registration procedure of GST.

GST is an Indirect tax reform whose main aim is to remove tax barrier between state and central. It is a destination based tax on Consumption of goods and services. This tax reform become a reality when President of India gives his assent on 8th September, 2016.Proposed GST would subsume State VAT, Central Sales Tax, Additional Excise Duty(AED), Countervailing or Additional Customs Duty(CVD), Services, Entry Tax, Entertainment, Octroi and Luxury Tax

Yes, GST is further divided in to three parts which are under:

A four-tier GST tax structure of 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%, with lower rates for essential items and the highest for luxury and de-merits goods that would also attract an additional cess, was decided by the all- powerful GST Council.

Every UP taxpayer/dealer will have to enroll themselves under the GST Database by the end of December,2016 or such extended which GST Council may decide.

The Goods & Services Tax (GST) Council has decided the exemption limit as under:

1. For Northeastern and hill states with annual turnover 10 lakh

2. Rest of India would be an annual turnover of Rs.20 lakh

Documents required for Goods and Services Tax Registration (GST)/GSTN?

  • 1. PAN CARD- All Directors
  • 2. IDENTITY PROOF of all Directors: Any one of the Following

Voter id,


Aadhar card,

Bank Passbook(Photo)

  • 3. 2 Colour Passport Size Photograph of all Directors
  • 1. Board Resolution for Authorising any Director
  • 2. PAN Card of Company
  • 3. List of Sale & Purchase Items
  • 5. Cancel Cheque
  • 6. Memorandum & Article and COI
  • 7. Address Proof of Shop/Branch/Godown/Store
    Anyone of the following (Should not be older than 2 months)

Electricity bill/BSNL landline Bill

Water tax/Municipal Tax/House Tax Bill

Rent Agreement of 11 months/Registered Lease deed
(in case of Rented Premises)

For Appointment / Query Call our Chartered Accountant Expert

+91 98 11 33 5090

+91 99 11 79 7386

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    • 1. PAN CARD- All Partners
    • 2. IDENTITY PROOF of all Partners: Any one of the Following

    Voter id,


    Aadhar card,

    Bank Passbook(Photo)

    • 3. 2 Colour Passport Size Photograph of all Partners
    • 1. PAN Card of LLP/Partnership Firm
    • 2. List of Sale & Purchase Items
    • 4. Cancel Cheque of the LLP/Partnership Firm
    • 5. Partnership Deed of the LLP/Partnership Firm.
    • 6. Certificate of Incorporation of LLP
    • 7. Address Proof of Shop/Branch/Godown/Store
      Anyone of the following (Should not be older than 2 months)

    Electricity bill/BSNL landline Bill

    Certificate Issued by Tehsildar

    Water tax/Municipal Tax/House Tax Bill

    Rent Agreement of 11 months/Registered Lease deed
    (in case of Rented Premises)

    • 1. PAN CARD- Proprietor
    • 2. IDENTITY PROOF of Proprietor: Any one of the Following

    Voter id,


    Aadhar card,

    Bank Passbook(Photo)

    • 3. 2 Colour Passport Size Photograph of Proprietor
    • 4. List of Sale & Purchase Items
    • 5. Cancel Cheque
    • 6. Address Proof of Shop/Branch/Godown/Store
      Anyone of the following (Should not be older than 2 months)

    Electricity bill/BSNL landline Bill

    Certificate Issued by Tehsildar

    Water tax/Municipal Tax/House Tax Bill

    Lease Deed or Rent Agreement of 11 months
    (in case of Rented Premises)